An investment portfolio toolkit
PortfolioTree creates modern, fresh analytics that are customized to your portfolio.
- Add assets like ETFs, Mutual Funds, or Stocks
- Embed portfolios in other portfolios as if they are assets
- Use one of 6 different algorithmic policies such as equal risk contribution, inverse variance, and more
- Customize policy settings like look-back period and rebalancing frequency
- Backtest portfolios with daily quote data
- View returns, historical risk, correlation, risk contribution of each asset
- Compare returns, risk, and tracking error of your portfolio versus a benchmark
- See how asset weights have changed over history
- Evaluate the risk and return of each asset versus the portfolio and see other possible outcomes from different weighting choices
- Analyze exposures to customizable factors and compare factor return attribution of portfolio to benchmark
- Quickly calculate how many shares of each asset to buy/sell to implement a favorite portfolio