The portfolios and factors are user generated and not verified. Portfolio and factor names, specifications, and descriptions do not represent the views of PortfolioTree LLC. Reports are provided for informational purposes only. Use your own judgement and consult a professional before making any investment decisions.

Name Returns Start Returns End Number of Assets Return Risk Sharpe
25% TQQQ + 75% KMLM 2021-03-03 2025-02-14 2 -27.84% 41.83% -0.65
AVGO 2009-08-07 2025-02-14 1 40.86% 36.93% 1.08
Accumulation Portfolio 2017-11-10 2025-02-14 3 9.50% 15.05% 0.52
Accumulator's Inflation-Hedged Portfolio 2014-11-10 2025-02-14 9 8.49% 16.63% 0.47
Bitcoin 2016-05-05 2022-10-28 4 16.85% 14.94% 1.05
Capital Efficient Portfolio 2018-08-03 2025-02-14 2 9.73% 12.18% 0.63
Diversified Risk-Off Portfolio 2011-10-05 2025-02-14 2 0.29% 14.11% -0.07
Dragon Portfolio 2012-10-05 2025-02-14 5 3.85% 5.93% 0.42
Equity Factor Portfolio 2018-02-16 2025-02-14 4 11.24% 19.81% 0.52
FAANG 2014-03-28 2025-02-14 5 29.16% 26.54% 1.04
Four Quadrant Portfolio 2017-07-11 2025-02-14 4 5.35% 8.66% 0.38
Global Market Portfolio 2013-06-05 2025-02-14 9 4.83% 8.14% 0.43
Golden Butterfly 2018-06-27 2025-02-14 5 7.90% 9.66% 0.59
Levered Dragon 2015-01-23 2025-02-14 5 4.76% 7.50% 0.42
Levered Risk Parity 2017-11-10 2025-02-14 3 7.62% 20.27% 0.35
Levered Seasons 2018-06-27 2025-02-14 6 9.62% 20.60% 0.43
Long Volatility 2012-10-05 2025-02-14 2 -2.62% 12.60% -0.26
Magnificent Seven 2012-05-21 2025-02-14 7 39.26% 26.79% 1.32
Managed Futures ETFs 2024-05-30 2025-02-14 9 -4.15% 7.73% -1.33
Managed Futures Mutual Funds 2020-01-02 2024-05-20 10 9.80% 11.30% 0.69
O.P.T.R.A. Portfolio 2023-06-30 2025-02-14 5 16.74% 12.91% 0.88
Octane Portfolio 2014-09-09 2025-02-14 6 12.49% 16.99% 0.68
RPC Growth 2019-11-25 2025-02-14 9 14.01% 25.09% 0.55
RPC Income 2018-06-27 2025-02-14 10 7.91% 13.66% 0.45
RPC Stability 2021-09-14 2025-02-14 10 3.17% 8.89% -0.01
Ray Dalio's All Weather Portfolio 2007-01-12 2025-02-14 5 6.18% 8.02% 0.64
ReSolve Return Stacked 60-40 2020-09-08 2024-07-23 8 8.19% 9.65% 0.60
Risk Parity 2017-06-16 2025-02-14 3 4.25% 13.11% 0.21
Risk Parity with Vol 2017-11-10 2025-02-14 2 6.36% 14.17% 0.34
Rocketship Portfolio Index 2024-02-12 2025-02-14 3 46.54% 15.31% 2.26
Short SXVY & UVXY 2011-10-05 2025-02-14 3 10.21% 17.41% 0.55
Simple 60/40 2008-03-31 2025-02-14 2 6.12% 12.10% 0.46
Synthetic R1000 Value 2010-09-23 2025-02-14 3 11.22% 16.81% 0.64
US Small Cap Value ETFs 2022-02-25 2025-02-14 8 7.05% 21.86% 0.23
international 1999-11-02 2025-02-13 3 10.20% 11.11% 0.79
35 portfolios listed.