The portfolios and factors are user generated and not verified. Portfolio and factor names, specifications, and descriptions do not represent the views of PortfolioTree LLC. Reports are provided for informational purposes only. Use your own judgement and consult a professional before making any investment decisions.

Name Returns Start Returns End Number of Assets Return Risk Sharpe
Credit Factor 2007-05-31 2025-03-24 3 2.43% 7.77% 0.20
Duration Factor 2002-07-29 2025-03-24 1 2.58% 7.04% 0.23
Emerging (Developed) Factor 2017-03-24 2025-03-24 3 -1.12% 11.55% -0.23
High Beta (Low Beta) 2011-05-06 2025-03-24 3 -3.17% 11.77% -0.33
Inflation Factor 2007-05-31 2025-03-24 3 1.08% 4.79% 0.00
Market Factor 2008-03-31 2025-03-24 1 7.34% 20.36% 0.39
Risk Free 2007-05-31 2025-03-24 1 1.05% 0.47% -0.26
Size Factor 2007-05-31 2025-03-24 3 -0.92% 10.85% -0.14
Style Factor 2007-05-31 2025-03-24 3 -4.52% 11.55% -0.44
U.S. Tilt (Non U.S.) 2008-04-01 2025-03-24 3 7.36% 10.25% 0.63
Vol Factor 2009-02-02 2025-03-24 1 -48.03% 69.01% -0.63
Vol Term Structure 2011-01-05 2025-03-24 3 5.41% 14.18% 0.35
Yield Curve Factor 2007-05-31 2025-03-24 3 -2.06% 13.11% -0.18
13 portfolios listed.