Levered Risk Parity


Rebalancing Interval Quarterly
Weights Algorithm Equal Risk Contribution
Weights Algorithm Look-back 3 Years
Weights Updating Interval Quarterly
Simple 60/40


Levered Risk Parity is likely too high-octane to hold as a total portfolio solution since this much leverage seems to create undue variance drag. However, it could be an interesting portfolio to embed as a sleeve in another portfolio. The “equal weight” construction showcases how a dynamic weighting algorithm can adapt allocation over time, allowing each asset class to leave an impact on the portfolio as a whole. Adding a risk-mitigating sleeve may be an interesting paring for this portfolio.

Policy Report

Backtest Report

From to (7y 3m 24d)

Returns (annualized)

Portfolio 7.35%
Benchmark 6.59%

Risk (annualized)

Portfolio 20.22%
Benchmark 11.33%

Sharpe (annualized)

Portfolio 0.34
Benchmark 0.41

Excess Return (annualized)


Tracking Error (annualized)


Information Ratio

Statistic Portfolio Benchmark
Downside Volatility 21.63% 12.21%
Sortino Ratio 0.31 0.38
Calmar Ratio 0.16 0.21
Ulcer Index 13.73 15.15
Max Drawdown 42.24% 22.16%
VaR (99% Confidence) $-4,703 $-2,634
VaR (99.9% Confidence) $-6,247 $-3,498
Beta to Benchmark 1.11 N/A

Value at Risk (VaR) is calculated off a $10,000 portfolio value.

Growth Charts

Historical Weights

Return Distribution

Excess Kurtosis



Data Table
Factor Coefficients
Factor Portfolio Benchmark
Duration Factor 2.1195 2.1195
Inflation Factor 0.7079 0.7079
Market Factor 0.7948 0.7948
Size Factor -0.0548 -0.0548
Style Factor 0.0805 0.0805
U.S. Tilt (Non U.S.) -0.1849 -0.1849
Yield Curve Factor 0.3183 0.3183

Adjusted R2

Portfolio 0.84
Benchmark 0.99


Portfolio -0.00
Benchmark 0.00

Factor Attribution