Diversified Risk-Off Portfolio
Rebalancing Interval | Quarterly |
Weights Algorithm | Equal Weights |
Cambria Tail Risk ETF (TAIL) |
The Diversified Risk-Off Portfolio is intended as a risk mitigating sleeve in a broader portfolio. The goal of the portfolio is to outperform a long-volatility benchmark over a full market cycle while still delivering similar protection in times of crisis. This portfolio is long mid-term Vix futures while also being short the front-month Vix futures to reduce carry costs. Additionally, a long low beta/short high beta fund adds short delta exposure to protect over longer drawdowns.
Policy Report
Backtest Report
From to (7y 8m 18d)
Returns (annualized)
Portfolio | 1.20% |
Benchmark | -7.70% |
Risk (annualized)
Portfolio | 14.11% |
Benchmark | 14.55% |
Sharpe (annualized)
Portfolio | -0.01 |
Benchmark | -0.63 |
Excess Return (annualized)
8.91% |
Tracking Error (annualized)
13.28% |
Information Ratio
0.67 |
Statistic | Portfolio | Benchmark |
Downside Volatility | 13.44% | 13.43% |
Sortino Ratio | -0.01 | -0.69 |
Calmar Ratio | 0.00 | -0.18 |
Ulcer Index | 13.85 | 11.96 |
Max Drawdown | 25.83% | 52.36% |
VaR (99% Confidence) | $-3,282 | $-3,384 |
VaR (99.9% Confidence) | $-4,359 | $-4,495 |
Beta to Benchmark | 0.55 | N/A |
Value at Risk (VaR) is calculated off a $10,000 portfolio value.
Growth Charts
Historical Weights
Return Distribution
Excess Kurtosis
14.94 |
0.30 |
Data Table
Factor | Portfolio | Benchmark |
Market Factor | -0.3010 | -0.3010 |
High Beta (Low Beta) | -0.3651 | -0.3651 |
Vol Factor | 0.1027 | 0.1027 |
Vol Term Structure | 0.3874 | 0.3874 |
Adjusted R2
Portfolio | 0.81 |
Benchmark | 0.60 |
Portfolio | 0.00 |
Benchmark | -0.00 |