Ray Dalio's All Weather Portfolio


Simple 60/40


Based on an interpretation of Ray Dalio’s All Weather Portfolio by Oddmund Grotto at quantifiedstrategies.com

The construction has a notable U.S. bias in the equity and bond exposures which may impact relative returns within market cycles.

For a more risk-balanced exposure, consider an “equal-risk-weighting” approach rather than a static weight approach as used below.

Policy Report

Backtest Report

From to (16y 11m 20d)

Returns (annualized)

Portfolio 6.10%
Benchmark 5.95%

Risk (annualized)

Portfolio 8.01%
Benchmark 12.09%

Sharpe (annualized)

Portfolio 0.63
Benchmark 0.44

Excess Return (annualized)


Tracking Error (annualized)


Information Ratio

Statistic Portfolio Benchmark
Downside Volatility 8.36% 12.73%
Sortino Ratio 0.61 0.42
Calmar Ratio 0.22 0.14
Ulcer Index 15.28 15.12
Max Drawdown 22.75% 36.97%
VaR (99% Confidence) $-1,864 $-2,811
VaR (99.9% Confidence) $-2,476 $-3,735
Beta to Benchmark 0.40 N/A

Value at Risk (VaR) is calculated off a $10,000 portfolio value.

Growth Charts

Historical Weights

Return Distribution

Excess Kurtosis



Data Table
Factor Coefficients
Factor Portfolio Benchmark
Duration Factor 1.0035 1.0035
Market Factor 0.3343 0.3343
Size Factor -0.0164 -0.0164
Style Factor 0.0086 0.0086
U.S. Tilt (Non U.S.) 0.0668 0.0668
Yield Curve Factor 0.1749 0.1749

Adjusted R2

Portfolio 0.93
Benchmark 0.98


Portfolio 0.00
Benchmark 0.00

Factor Attribution